Οι Εβραίοι Προωθούν τον Χριστιανισμό και το Ισλάμ

Three key offenives the Jews use to destroy Gentiles are infiltration, confusion, and creating inner division and disunity. For example, the Jews pretend to be against Christianity, but truth be known, they know at the upper levels, Christianity, along with its relative of Islam are both Jewish programs that are used to destroy Gentiles. Christianity has been used in Europe and for the destruction of mainly white peoples [See Inquisition] and its counterpart of Islam has been used to enslave mainly non-whites. Both are slave programs with nothing spiritual, underneath is Jewish communism. These programs are needed by the Jews to prepare Gentiles for communism. Once they are no longer needed, they are systematically destroyed by the Jews, with the full institution of Boshevism. The Catholic Church was the KGB of the Middle Ages.

Jews work to destroy Gentile, mainly White Patriot organizations through infiltration. They pretend to be Aryan. The problem is, online, one cannot see whom one is communicating with. They can say anything.

The ADL [Jewish Defense League] has a huge network of infiltrators with top technology and an entire building full of computers where these nefarious Jews infiltrate, hack, invent worms and viruses, spy on, and work to destroy Gentiles, namely White Patriot organizations from within [their age old method of choice].

Certain White Patriot/NS forums and groups are controlled by individuals working for the ADL [who pretend to be Nazis]. These individuals work together in collusion, unbeknownst to the majority of the group. They can be identified by their constant discouraging of any activity, discouraging wearing or displaying NS symbols such as the Swastika, the SS Runes or other PAGAN symbols which make a statement, and their overall negative attitude toward anything that would promote National Socialism.

Another key factor here is THESE JEW INFILTRATORS PUSH CHRISTIANITY AND WHAT IS KNOWN AS "CHRISTIAN IDENTITY" especially witin these groups. They pretend to be Aryan and either directly or indirectly- PUSH CHRISTIANITY ON OUR PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY NEW PEOPLE WHO ARE VULNERABLE. They claim Adolf Hitler and even Martin Bormann were "Christians." NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! Regardless of the endless lies about, and the alleged quotes they claim Adolf Hitler stated, the PAGAN SYMBOLS of Nazi Germany speak for themselves, along with the still intact copy of "The SS Family" which is blatant proof of how the Third Reich was working to destroy the Jewish program of Christianity and return to our Pagan origins. There is much more PROOF if people would bother to do the research. THE PAGAN SYMBOLS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES!

The Jews also work to create disunity and division within the white race by targeting different WHITE nationalities and attacking them. Last I heard was one group was attacking the Irish and another Slavic peoples. This is how the Jews operate.

Through deeper investigation into these ADL infiltrators, they immediately e-mail new group members with pro-Christian literature and bible verses. This is not only to confuse the new and vulnerable, it is also like is has always been- TIE INTO THE JEWISH PSYCHIC ENERGY POOL, SUCH AS CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM AND ONE WORKS FOR ONE'S OWN DAMNATION.

The Jews DREAD our return to our Pagan origins, as that will be the death of them. THEIR POWER IS IN CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM, WHICH IS A HUGE PSYCHIC/ASTRAL ENERGY VORTEX OF WHICH THEY DRAW UPON LIKE THE PARASITES THEY ARE. Christianity is nothing more than an attack on the mass mind with incessant repetitive lies, such as the Jews being the "Chosen of God," a fictitious history of the Jews which gives them PRIVILAGES THAT THEY ARE NOT, NOR THEY EVER HAVE BEEN ENTITLED TO, and establishes a mindset which exalts them and disarms Gentiles both subconsciously and psychically.


This is no different from how they pretend to be against communism, when in truth, they are the leaders, promoters, and intigators of communism. The Jews are masters of deception and lies. They gain control through confusion. Young Jews are taught how to argue in their Yeshiva schools.

A prime example, is Hollywood, and how they work to confuse those who are unknowing- most of the Gentile population, with their movies. Most people here are well aware of Jewish communism, how they invented it; it is the main theme of the Judeo/Christian Bible and all of their 'holy writings'- their program for systematically removing spiritual/occult knowledge and power from the Gentiles so they, themselves can become 'God' and have a Gentile slave state.

One blatant example here, that they use to confuse is the HBO movie "Stalin"[1992] with Robert Duvall and Julia Ormond. Throughout the movie, the character 'Stalin' is made out to be against the Jews, and hating of the Jews. In real life, this is hardly the case. Stalin's real birth name was József Dugasvilli. "Dugasvilli" in Georgian, means "SON OF A JEW." Stalin's second wife "Nadezhda Alliluyev" [played by Julia Ormond in the movie] was also Jewish. His children were Jewish. His eldest son, named "Yakov" is Jewish for 'Jacob.' The Jews are constantly trying to dissociate themselves from this insane mass-murderer, by posting false information all over the internet, claiming Stalin was not Jewish. If one would do the necessary research, it is apparent that Stalin was a Jew who hated Jews and his own Jewishness.

Lavrenty Beria was another Georgian Jew who worked directly under Stalin. Beria, [ Beria is a derivative of the Jewish name "Bar" "Berry"] was a Karaim Jew. [1] He was also very benevolent towards the Jews. [2] In the movie, they also portrayed him to be anti-Jewish. Most people- the general populace is unaware and does not read enough to know the facts beneath all of the lies that are thrown at the public.

More examples include "The Inner Circle" [1991], another movie that takes place in the former USSR under Stalin, where blatant persecution of the Jews is the main theme. It even goes so far as to show a Jewish character getting busted by the KGB for secretly collaborating with the Nazis. What a joke! Then, the movie goes on with more Jews in their best roles as professional victims.

Moscow on the Hudson [1984] was another one, though only a very short, but blatant part of the movie, they show Jews again, with their plackards of Stars of David [stolen and corrupted from the East Indian "Star of Vishnu"], protesting the Soviet communist government. They always scream the loudest. This, as all of the above are just for show and to confuse the daylights out of Gentiles.

The Jews, being inventors and promoters of communism, work to try to convice an ignorant public that they are against communism. This is playing both sides of which they are highly skilled at.

The Catholic Church is another blatant example- the KGB of the Middle Ages. The Jews again, like with the above, work relentlessly to try to convince the Gentile populace, that they are against Christianity, and that they are "persecuted" by Christians and Christianity. THIS IS A TOTAL LIE!

Really now, HOW can any true Christian be persecuting of Jews? Every single page of that bible has either the words "Jew/s" and/or "Israel" written on it, the Jesus IS JEWISH FROM BIRTH TO DEATH - CIRCUMSISED AND NAMED ON THE EIGHTH DAY IN A SYNAGOGUE BY A RABBI IN JEWISH TRADITION, HIS MOTHER AND SO-CALLED "EARTHLY FATHER" WERE BOTH JEWISH AND OBSERVANT OF JEWISH LAWS. HIS 12 DISCIPLES WERE JEWISH. The nasty list goes on and on and on.... JESUS WAS A JEW

All of their crap is just for show and to confuse and delude the Gentiles. REAL Satanism, as many here are aware is HEAVILY persecuted, suppressed, and automatically banned- LEGALLY in many areas of the world and even in those where the constitution states 'religious freedoms.'

"Satan" means "Enemy" in Hebrew.

"We Shall Destroy God"

Direct Quote from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

One can see the truth for one's self. Where in the world is there even just ONE open and public Satanic Church? Anything against the Jews is 'evil' and they attack it and use their spiritual slaves, such as Christians to attack it as well. Everything the Jews do, they twist and pervert and blame it upon Gentiles and any groups that are against them, such as Jewish Ritual Murder being promoted about Satanism, when it is really their "YAWEH" they are sacrificing to. The truth about Satanism is kept heavily suppressed, which in truth is spiritual advancement of the soul and raising the serpent power. The Jews who control the media, along with publishing companies, mainstream bookstores, and public libraries promote the most degenerate LIES concerning Satan and Satanism, while anything positive is heavily suppressed and denied. The Jews accuse their enemies of what they themselves do. They infiltrate, imposter, and take control.

They must be stopped. For those of you who can, we must do repeated rituals to destroy the Jews and their programs of Christianity and Islam. The sad thing is- the moderators and those in KEY POSITIONS in many of these groups are working for the ADL and are NOT Aryans, but Jews.

Be aware, be knowing, be confident and be warned. They must be weeded out and destroyed.

[1] Commissar: The Life and Death of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria by Thaddeus Wittlin © 1972
[2] Beria: Stalin's First Lieutenant by Amy Knight © 1993

Χριστιανισμός και Κομμουνισμός: Εβραϊκά Δίδυμα