Η Βίβλος και οι Επιθέσεις στο Παρίσι (2015)

Part One: The savage attacks in France, Friday the 13th again smack of Jewish blood sacrifices and rituals.

Exactly 708 years ago, note 7 + 8 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6 (the favorite number of the Jews), Jaques de Molay of the Knights Templar along with 60 others, (again note the 60), were arrested in France. To make a long story short, this Gentile order knew too much and amassed too much wealth. They knew Christianity was a fraud, and were subsequently tortured and murdered by the Inquisition.

Look to the numbers... November 13th; 11 + 13 = 24; (2 + 4 = 6) again. Then, it is 2015, so with the 15, we again have the number 6 factoring in.

Friday according to the Hebrew calendar is also the 6th day. Their "Sabbath/Shabbat" always falls on Saturday, which is their 7th day.

The reason? People know too much.

I will be doing more research in that foul Torah of theirs. Just like 911 was no coincidence. Genesis 11: 9. I already went over that one. I'm sure there is also a Torah scripture for the tragedy that occurred in France on Friday. In closing, the Jews will use their filthy, ugly, spiteful, human-hating death-dealing Torah (which is chock full of wars where the Jews slaughter, rape, pillage and conquer Gentiles), again to incite another world war.

I will be posting reverse Torah rituals to try to stop this. Their plan is to get White European young men and women drafted to be butchered in a war in the Middle East. This would leave White women, children and the elderly to be annihilated by the Muslim hoards.

When Angela Merkel spoke to the Israeli Knesset in Yiddish, I am sure she didn't just visit to say hello or take a vacation. They were laying plans for the genocide of White Europe.

There was also a big meeting of communist Jews in Moscow with Jew Putin. Again, they were making plans. Obviously.

We will have to wait until they read the major war verses in their yearly Torah readings and we will reverse these.

The Jewish controlled media and Hollywood glamorize war and promote it to have our youth fall for this and end up maimed and slaughtered for Jewish interests. The Jews themselves at times of war are given desk jobs and rarely see any combat. Adolf Hitler wrote about this as far back as WWI.

Part Two:

The Knights Templar incident occurred Friday the 13th, October 1307. This was a month and 708 years from the tragedy that took place on Friday the 13th of November 2015. There was no Friday the 13th in October of this year. What is really important is what follows:

There are 66 books total in that filthy bible. For those of you who are new and/or unfamiliar with this, please visit this webpage “The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft”.

This further proves the so-called "Holy Bible" is definitely NOT "The Word of "God".

Δευτερονόμιον 13:11

Θα τον εκτελέσετε με λιθοβολισμό, γιατί προσπάθησε να σας απομακρύνει από τον Κύριο, το Θεό σας, που σας έβγαλε από την Αίγυπτο, τον τόπο της δουλείας.

*Note in the above, 13:11. The 13th day of the 11th month; November 13th and this scripture calls for the murder of those who worship Pagan Gods. GENTILES!

To fully understand, one must be familiar with the Jewish “Gematria” which is a system of words and numerology:

“Gematria (Greek: meaning geometry) is an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of code and numerology later adopted into Jewish culture that assigns numerical value to a word or phrase in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to nature, a person's age, the calendar year, or the like.”

The above quote was taken from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gematria

The Jews have an obsession with the number 6.

911 WAS ALSO A SPIRITUAL ATTACK [TOWER OF BABEL] Below is a direct quote from the Torah:

Γένεσις 11:9

Γι' αυτό ονόμασαν την πόλη εκείνη Βαβέλ, γιατί εκεί ο Κύριος προκάλεσε σύγχυση στη γλώσσα των ανθρώπων και από εκεί τους διασκόρπισε σε όλη τη γη.

NOTE: 11:9

This was also a spiritual attack, to divide, confuse, and destroy communications. People were learning too much, which is and always has been the greatest threat to Jewish programs like Christianity.

Given the exposing of Christianity and the proof it is a hoax and a lie, many people are leaving in droves. This also includes those who have left because of the pedophilia and other rotten crimes against humanity of which this vile institution is infamous for. Many people are turning to Paganism, of which this is a most serious threat to Jewish power. The Jewish bulwark as I have repeated endlessly is Christianity. This is why they pretend to be persecuted by it and against it. These are both total lies of which I will further prove and expose in this article. This again is no different from Jewish communism. Also, they have a long and vile history of persecuting their own, as they are vicious by their nature. This is also in their Torah.

The tragedy in Paris was preplanned. This is no different from the murder of the Knights Templars.

As I wrote in the first post I made on this below, I definitely found a connection not only in their Torah but also in that goddamned Bible.

This attack came about because of the threat of the populace becoming aware and leaving the Jewish program of Christianity.

Another blatant lie that the Jews push is that they reject Christianity. This lie is exposed in their weekly Torah readings. They also read from other books of the Old Testament and also The Christian Gospel, as it all ties in. For proof of this, click on the link below:


On the 15th of August 2015, Jews around the entire world in their weekly torah readings read Deuteronomy 11:26–16:17, and Isaiah 66:1-24. This was a year of Rosh Hodesh, the new Moon on August 15th. [According to the Shulchan Aruch, if Rosh Hodesh [the new moon] of Elul- which has its own haftarah, namely Isaiah 66 - coincides with Shabbat Re'eh, the haftarah of Re'eh, not for Rosh Hodesh Elul, is read because the Seven Sabbaths of Consolation must not be interrupted].


In the Catholic Bible, Isaiah is the 29th book of the Old Testament. According to “Torah Portions 5775” The gospel of John was also read in many Jewish congregations. John is the 4th book of the New Testament.

All of the above Torah, Haftarah, and Gospel readings focus on the murder of anyone who worships Pagan Gods.

Before I get to the scriptures here, I want to expose the numerology here. Coincidence? I don’t think so:

As I wrote in the above, the book of Isaiah in the Catholic version of the Bible is the 29th book. 2 + 9 = 11. 11 is a special number of magickal properties in Hebrew numerology, no different from 22.

The gospel of John is the 4th book of the New Testament. So, here we have a date: November is the 11th month and the 13th: 1 + 3 = 4.

Now, as for the Isaiah 66, there are 66 books in the widely used King James Version of the Bible. In addition to the day being Friday the 13th of November, we have November is the 11th month, and with the 13th [11 + 13 = 24; 2 + 4 = 6]. With the year 2015, the 15 adds another 6 to this date and again, we have 66. I am familiar with the fact that they do not always include the century year in their workings, such as the 20 in the 2015.

Adding onto the above, the date of August 15th when this portion of the Torah, the Haftarah and the Gospel were read, was originally a very important Pagan Holiday, which was stolen and corrupted by the Catholic Church into the “Feast of the Assumption.”

“Aug 15 was originally THE ASSUMPTION OF THE HOLY SOPHIA, The Assumption of the Holy Sophia into the Pleroma is commemorated on August 15th. This correlates in the Orthodox Church with the (bodily Assumption of the Virgin Mary, a recent addition to the Roman liturgical life. The ancient Gnostic scriptures tell of Sophia, the feminine aspect of the highest God, who wanders out of heaven and gets lost in the lower regions. By singing praises to the Light, she is rescued by the Savior and he aids her return to heaven by a mystery. In our psychological perspective, we are cast out of the Fullness of Being to become differentiated egos. By the mystery figure of the Logos we are able to individuate and return to the state of Wholeness. Thus Sophia's plight is our own, and by her example we may be inspired to continue on our path.”

From: https://www.gnosis.org/ecclesia/cal_mandala.htm



Now, as I wrote in the below, the Knights Templars discovered Christianity was a hoax, more than likely through their travels to the so-called “Holy Land.” They amassed an incredible amount of wealth, using witchcraft, and being a Gentile order, most ended up tortured and then murdered by the Inquisition. Those who escaped went on to establish original Freemasonry, which at that time was Luciferian and Satanic.

The tragedy in Paris was a spiritual attack as well as physical. This didn’t “just happen.” November 13 is the 317th day of the year; 3 + 1 + 7 = 11.

11 is used to bring something down; to destroy, as they used this number with the 9-11 incident.

John is the 4th book of the New Testament, and the 43rd book of the King James Version of the Bible. John 15 was the beginning of the scriptures read on the 15th of August. 43 + 15 = 13.

Now, as for the scriptures involved in this “Torah reading” nearly all of them apply to destroying those who worship Pagan Gods. A heavy metal concert was attacked and heavy metal certainly isn’t Christian, for one.

In trying not to make this too long, I will only include the scriptures therein that are relevant to this:

Δευτερονόμιον 11:27-28

Την ευλογία, αν υπακούσετε στις εντολές του Κυρίου, του Θεού σας, που εγώ σας δίνω σήμερα, και την κατάρα, αν δεν τις υπακούσετε κι απομακρυνθείτε από τον δρόμο που εγώ σήμερα σας δείχνω, κι ακολουθήσετε άλλους Θεούς, που δεν τους γνωρίζετε.

Δευτερονόμιον 12:2-3

Θα καταστρέψετε εντελώς όλους τους ιερούς τόπους που βρίσκονται πάνω στα ψηλά βουνά, στους λόφους, κάτω από τις σκιές των δέντρων, όπου τα έθνη που θα διώξετε λατρεύουν τους Θεούς τους. Θα γκρεμίσετε τα θυσιαστήριά τους, θα συντρίψετε τις πέτρινες και θα κάψετε τις ξύλινες λατρευτικές τους στήλες, θα κομματιάσετε τα είδωλα των Θεών τους και θα εξαφανίσετε τα ονόματά τους απ’ αυτόν τον τόπο.

*[Note: The above scripture 12:3 totals to 6 and with Deuteronomy being the 5th book of the Torah, 5 + 6 = 11, again destruction and ruin].

Δευτερονόμιον 12:6

Εκεί θα προσφέρετε τα ολοκαυτώματά σας, τις θυσίες σας, τις δεκάτες σας, τις εκούσιες προσφορές σας, τα τάματά σας, και τα πρωτογέννητα των βοδιών και των προβάτων σας.

Δευτερονόμιον 12:29

Ο Κύριος, ο Θεός σας, θα εξολοθρεύσει στο πέρασμά σας τα έθνη που είναι εγκατεστημένα στη χώρα που πάτε να κυριεύσετε, και θα εγκατασταθείτε εσείς σε αυτήν.

Δευτερονόμιον 13:7-11

Ακόμη κι αν ο αδερφός κάποιου από σας, από την ίδια μάνα, ή ο γιος του ή η κόρη του, η γυναίκα του ή ο φίλος του, που είναι δυνατό να τον αγαπάει όπως τη ζωή του, τον παρασύρουν κρυφά να πάνε να λατρεύσουν άλλους Θεούς, που ούτ’ εσείς, ούτε οι πρόγονοί σας γνώρισαν, κάποιους από τους Θεούς των λαών που είναι γύρω σας, κοντά ή μακριά σας, σ’ οποιοδήποτε σημείο στη γη, μην υποχωρήσετε και μην τον ακούσετε. Μην τον λυπηθείτε ούτε να τον καλύψετε, αλλά να τον θανατώσετε με λιθοβολισμό. Την πρώτη πέτρα θα τη ρίξει το χέρι εκείνου που εναντίον του έγινε η απόπειρα της παραπλάνησης και έπειτα θα υψωθούν τα χέρια όλου του λαού. Θα τον εκτελέσετε με λιθοβολισμό, γιατί προσπάθησε να σας απομακρύνει από τον Κύριο, το Θεό σας, που σας έβγαλε από την Αίγυπτο, τον τόπο της δουλείας.

*Note in the above, 13:11. The 13th day of the 11th month; November 13th and this scripture calls for the murder of those who worship Pagan Gods. GENTILES!

Δευτερονόμιον 13:14-17

Βγήκαν από το λαό άνθρωποι κακοί και παραπλάνησαν τους κατοίκους της πόλης τους παρακινώντας τους να πάνε να λατρεύσουν άλλους θεούς, που εσείς δεν τους γνωρίζετε. Τότε να εξετάσετε καλά την υπόθεση και να τη διερευνήσετε σε βάθος ζητώντας από παντού πληροφορίες. Κι αν πραγματικά συνέβηκε ανάμεσά σας τέτοια βδελυρή πράξη, και το πράγμα είναι βέβαιο, τότε πρέπει να σφάξετε αλύπητα τους κατοίκους εκείνης της πόλης καθώς και τα ζώα της. Θα καταστρέψετε την πόλη μαζί με ό,τι βρίσκεται μέσα σ’ αυτήν. Θα μαζέψετε όλα τα υπάρχοντα των κατοίκων της στη μέση της πλατείας της, θα τους βάλετε φωτιά και μαζί τους θα κάψετε όλη την πόλη ολοκαύτωμα στον Κύριο, το Θεό σας. Η πόλη εκείνη θα μείνει για πάντα ερείπια. Δε θα ξαναχτιστεί ποτέ πια.

Ησαΐας 66:15-17

Θα ξεπροβάλει ο Κύριος μέσα απ’ τη φωτιά και τ’ άρματά του θα ’ναι σαν τον ανεμοστρόβιλο. Θα εκδηλώσει το θυμό του με μανία, την απειλή του με αστραπές. Ο Κύριος με το ξίφος του το πύρινο κάθε άνθρωπο θα κρίνει. Και πολλοί θα ’ναι οι εξολοθρευμένοι απ’ αυτόν. Και λέει ο Κύριος: «Αυτοί που κάνουν καθαρμούς και ετοιμάζονται μες στους ειδωλολατρικούς κήπους για να μπουν, αυτοί που μια ιέρεια ακολουθούν που μες στη μέση στέκεται, αυτοί που τρώνε κρέας χοιρινό, το κρέας των ερπετών ή και των ποντικιών, όλοι αυτοί θα εξοντωθούν».

*[Note: Gentiles eat pork].

Ησαΐας 66:23-24

Κάθε νουμηνία και κάθε Σάββατο θα έρχονται όλοι οι άνθρωποι και θα με προσκυνούν. Βγαίνοντας έξω θα μπορούν να δουν τα πτώματα εκείνων που εναντίον μου επαναστάτησαν, γιατί τα βάσανά τους ποτέ δεν θα ’χουν τελειωμό και η φωτιά αιώνια θα τους καίει. Σε κάθε άνθρωπο αηδία θα προκαλούν.

Κατά Ιωάννην 15:6

Αν κάποιος δεν μένει ενωμένος μαζί μου, θα τον πετάξουν έξω σαν την κληματόβεργα, και θα ξεραθεί. Τις βέργες αυτές τις μαζεύουν, τις ρίχνουν στη φωτιά, και καίγονται.

The rest of this crap goes on and on regarding how anyone who does not slavishly worship jewsus is damned and that sort of thing. It is endless ad nauseum. You can check it out online or in any bible. It supports the Torah and the Haftarah readings.

Η Βίβλος: Βιβλίο Εβραϊκής Μαγείας

Θεία Λειτουργία: Προσομοίωση Ανθρωποθυσίας

Τορά και Αιματοθυσίες

Χριστιανισμός, Κομμουνισμός, οι Εβραίοι και η Βίβλος

Η Βίβλος ως Πρόγραμμα Ελέγχου του Νου

Η Αλήθεια για την Βίβλο

Έτος Μηδέν