XVIII. Φθόνος, Απληστία, Μίσος, Θυμός, Λαγνεία, Λαιμαργία

From the title, one might thing that this matter here will be judged with scorn or with writing and issuing penalties for those that engage in these human processes. In the Path of the Gods which is Spiritual Satanism, there is no such topic. Denying these urges and not properly recognizing them, or creating a state of fear of eternal hellfire for the engagement in these, is only the enemy's work which is meant to dissuade human beings from advancing spiritually.

As the enemy wants to fundamentally procure misery, blindness and lack of wisdom in humanity as a final goal, they cannot provide the solutions in this writing of Guidance, because if they did so, human beings would have to learn about spirituality and wisdom, which would make all the Churches of the enemy destitute of any follower since they thrive on misery, affliction, death and ignorance.

It is to the enemy's benefit that these states in human beings continue as long as possible and for the maximum amount of people, so they always perpetuate them in order to not become vacant shells. Like a doctor not interested in healing human beings but wanting to procure sickness on purpose, so is the enemy desiring to that end. Unfortunately for many, they can only see this after they have understood of the nature of the enemy. The "external enemy" has a lot to gain by the sustaining of humanity's internal evil and enemies.

While the "Abrahamic Religions" talk a lot and condemn humans about these topics, they fundamentally hate human nature and humanity and seek for beings to remain unelightened. This state creates double the amount of problems of what these already blind drives I will describe here, do cause to human beings on their own. They double down on human misery and affliction.

Our side is exactly the contrary and seeks to elevate humans, while also keeping them wholly human, without a fundamental hate for what humanity is or can be.

The gateway to spiritual evolution, in which the forces described here both can obstruct but also help later on as the soul advances, is residing in the moderation of these forces and their purification. If a being has conquered these forces truly, then they are a purified being and have many things in common with the beings of the Higher Orders of life. This cannot be faked or evaded and is a lifelong process of evolution to bring these under proper rule of Wisdom.

As the soul is trying to evolve, it's fundamental that it incarnates into a body. This body brings with it all the forces necessary for it's evolution, the forces of propelling nature such as the ability to recreation, survival and all the instincts related for a human being to survive.

The survival mechanisms in one's body, are motivating factors and powers that are very necessary to live. Without these human beings would die instantly, and would not be able to evolve either way.

The Gods have bestowed these to human beings as necessary forces for that survival, and these forces exist universally in all living beings. They were given in wisdom and they represent evolutionary forces.

Imbalances in these forces, can be due to traumatic events, personal volition, or simply never understanding one must balance out these equations, or all of the three combined.

Fundamentally, none of the forces of Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger or Lust are negative, but since they are devoid of Logos or Higher Reason, they are frequently the cause of damnation for human beings, as they can sink a being into the animal state which one finds themselves upon during incarnation. When these are not controlled, one becomes an Andrapod and falls onto the path of evil.

As a characteristic rule here, "Moderation in All Things" is the statement of Aristotle which is an eternal truth about deifying the soul and becoming an excellent human being. This excellence also brings worldly success, but also spiritual success. The spiritual and internal success here is the most important factor, as this is the state that will truly make a human being happy and free internally, more than anything else external that comes as an addition to that state.

Lack of these forces, can lessen a lot one's ability to survive, but their blind control is certain to lead sooner or later to decay, internal torment and destruction, depression and lack of health biologically, spiritually and mentally. They are therefore necessary to existence, until they are improved to better forms which reassure a higher state of being.

These above forces are described as "blind", and since they are blind, they do not directly partake into logic and reason.

The more one is shut off spiritually and intellectually, the higher is the power of the above forces to dominate the mind, and on the complete rule of blindness, one is merely motivated to exist based on the above emotional states. Yet, all of these have a root in the necessity of biological existence.

When properly managed, these can become excellent forces in the hands of the wise, instead of one being enslaved by these forces and having to live a life of torment for themselves, which will expand onto many others, elongating their own torment also.

1. Greed = The need for material security, a factor to prolong physical existence. Greed is blind, as it does not understand the measure of other beings or one's self. The final level of greed is that every ego wants to consume the whole planet, a characteristic typical in psychopathic personalities. Greed as a state can invite the hatred of others, injustice done against others which can lead all the way from being hated or being murdered, and procure deadly hate both in one's self and others, creating a circular loop of destruction.

When Greed is moderated, one is on the pathway to become richer and expand one's self, the latter end of the balance being bestowal for other human beings also. When Greed is controlled, growth of civilizations, personal acquisitions and material progression can occur. Greed disappears in the end of spiritual evolution.

2. Jealousy = Due to confusion about the state of affairs dealing with life, false estimates about the existence of one's self compared to others, can give rise to jealousy or envy - One wants what another "has" or what one thinks "another has". Underlying jealousy, there can be a need to elevate one's self [which is the good aspect of envy] and can be used to facilitate personal self evolution, albeit a lack of fully formed self [knowing one's abilities or where one is at - a delusional state of confusion] can cause envy. Envy is a stronger form of consistent jealousy, and can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities since one is fixated always on envying others.

When Envy or Jealousy is controlled and replaced with judgement, a feeling of appreciation will arise in the Initiate. Also, instead of one seething and burning in jealousy, when self awareness exists, this appreciation will extend to other human beings and proper bonds with other beings can form. Envy can be used to engage in positive competition, where one evolves themselves to reach a desired standard. At the end of spiritual advancement, there is no envy present in humans.

3. Lust = Lust is a force necessary in order to procreate, and is another biological impulse for one to procreate or to experience connection with others. At the blind state, lust becomes simply a voracious need to connect without caring for any detail, devoid of reason. The needs here are based in the need to prolong one's personal existence through recreation. A blinded state of lust, can create a self circular loop that can consume human beings physically, mentally and in all other ways, rendering one unable to advance in any avenue or life, or make people do things that they will solemnly regret, like betrayals, unwanted pregnancies, or lead to many other problems.

Lust is positive and within the proper rational context, can create families, legacies, relationships with other human beings, personal satisfaction and the same force is the force that is used and transmutated in the need to connect to higher topics [knowledge, spirituality, improvement of the body and related procreative powers]

4. Anger = Anger is a quintessential emotion that gives human beings the powers to avert enemies. In the case of blind hatred, there is no reasoning behind this, and combined with all the other urges, one can simply hate for no reason, heat for jealousy, or hate obstacles to their greed or lust. Anger can create sudden, unexpected and irreversible crimes, that one can regret later one but one cannot take back. Sudden murders which cost one's lifetime, can happen in a state of anger or wrath when it overtakes the mind.

Anger when moderated, can be a very powerful weapon where Justice is concerned, and when aimed, it can have catastrophic power that can actually be used for good. Anger can exist in great magnitudes even to the Gods, but their form of "anger" is perfect and not related to the human notions of blind anger whatsoever.

5. Hate = A form of consolidated anger that has many things of the above in it when NOT justified and NOT reasoned, hate is a prolonged state of anger and desire to cause harm, especially when there is a perception that one has been "wronged" in some way. This can be true or false, yet on the blind state of these urges, there is no background to hate whatsoever. Hate can lead to murder, self destruction and many other perils when it is blind. It's a sureproof way to create a state of mental torment, when it is not properly directed and controlled.

Proper hatred is necessary for when there are serious injustices occurring, and one needs prolonged force to change certain circumstances. It can be necessary to instate Justice, but when one is blinded by hatred, all the other states can also magnify, so the power of hate needs careful management as it can be self destructive.

6. Gluttony = The need to provide food for an organism is necessary for a human being to survive. Gluttony is what arises when there is no measure to health, proper judgement, or metric in regards to what one must consume to maintain optimal or healthy biological existence. Gluttony can lead to disability and death, or terrible health.

Gluttony is a form of lust for food that is not-moderated, but when properly moderated, it moves away from that state to a form of positive self care when the biological healthy and consumption of the being is concerned, leading to health, mental and physical clarity and management of energy.

Controlling all the above states when one spiritually evolves, will mean that one is liberated from the ill effects of these and can benefit from these forces, also called "Alchemical (or psychological) Transmutation".

As the Serpent of the Kundalini force when it's fallen, it's on a state of looping upon itself causes a sense of disaster, but when straightened out and liberated, it brings illumination, it also liberates these drives and with the help of Wisdom and the Gods one can become a person who has set these forces within straight. Before this process can even begin to occur, one has to learn to manage these forces, until one is liberated from their tyrranical rule and eventually become their master, instead of being their slave.

The higher the soul evolves, it can attain these states which bring inner tranquility, peace with one's self and the world, but also success in all the undertakings that are originally sought by the above urges, but that these urges on a blind state cannot give. The moderation of the above, will always very precisely create inside the soul a state of "Eudemonia" or "Peace with one's Demon [Soul]" and bring grace both in front of the Gods and other human beings.

In Spiritual Satanism none of these are evil, they are just representative forces of nature that need to be brought under Wisdom in order to grow into higher forms which propel a being to become purified, excellent and powerful.

-Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666