IX. Δικαιοσύνη
To act in Justice is a product of the highest wisdom and the highest power.
Over the centuries, it has been the most powerfully debated topic: How to attain Justice? How to be Just?
Is that only a matter of debate, or the attainment of the highest consciousness?
As a most difficult quality to understand, comprehend, and impart if one tries to be as the Gods, it can be oftentimes fairly easy and direct to understand in other matters.
We must find balance between the three: The Justice of Gods, the Justice of Demons, and the Justice of Men.
These three kingdoms all connect with the fourth one: The Justice of the whole universe.
Ever running is the water of the well of understanding that comes from within, and is telling us often of what is Just and what is not - the simplest people feel offended when a great act of injustice occurs.
Justice is inwards, yet, it has to fully develop itself.
Stagnant can become the well of the mere theoretician, who feels nothing of the well of Justice, but speaks of Justice all day, while having applied none.
For Justice, both upper and lower, is of a higher knowledge, yet, alas, a simple virtue that resides in every heart.
How much the Gods expect of us! But never more than what we can do: For they are Just!
“O Master Beelzebul,
Great Beelzebul,
Reveal to us Justice,
Lead me to be Just,
Instill in me the Spirit of Justice,
Holy and Sanctified Master of Justice!”